For made-to-order items, please contact an agent by phone or WeChat


Distribution Only (代发菜单,菜单由客户提供)


1万张 $980 起

Price varies by area, menu size, and piece weight.

欢迎联系我们业务员(☎️: 917-982-5848)查询报价及区域报表

WeChat: LansingSM01

Preprinted menu insert(菜单由客户提供)兰馨公司上门领取菜单,并负责派送到各个家庭

Our most popular product, Shared Mail, is an all-inclusive package geared towards increasing foot traffic for your business. Whether it be menus, flyers, or pamphlets, we've got you covered. Once you're satisfied with our made-to-order custom design and picked out the optimal zones with the help of our professional agents, we'll print and ship out your ads at a local branch. We've made the process easy to save you time and ensure you're getting the best bang for your buck!

For more precise quotes, please contact an agent at 917-982-5848 or on

WeChat: LansingSM01.

Prices reflect per 10,000 sheets and are estimates which may vary according to your business's location.